Chief Patron of Research Foundation of India

  • International Chief Patron
  • National Chief Patron
Dr. Patrick Loh


Jolly Xavier

British Columbia, Canada

Mr. Joseph


Mr. Maduako

Africa Region

Mr. Parminder Singh

Ontario & Vancouver, Canada

Mr. Paul Armstell

North Africa, Ghana

Mr. Stephen Saunders

Washington -USA

Mrs. Carry

Dubai UAE

Ms. Alima


Ms. Anne Either

Greater Accra, Ghana

Ms. Gulsum


Ms. Maria Laura


Ms. Omatee Ann Hansraj

Trinidad & Tobago

Ms. Rosita Netherland

Netherland (Europe)

Ms. Suchi


Dinesh Juneja

Chancellor, Shri Khushal Das University

Dr. Ksh. Vedmani

North East India

Dr. Mamatha

Northern India

Dr. Meera Asmi

Management Consultant- CMD, Govt of Kerala

Dr. Narendra Dhakad

Former Vice-Chancellor, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

Dr. Renu Jain

Vice-Chancellor, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

Dr. Sahdev Singh

Under Secretary to the Govt of India Department of Justice, MoL&J and MHA

Dr. Sandeep Salodkar

Vice-Chancellor, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam University, Indore

Dr. Sanjay Kumar

Vice-Chancellor Amity University Kolkata

Dr. Tushar K Nath

Former Vice-Chancellor, SAGE University Indore

Mr. Sunil Mallan

Punjab and Jammu Kashmir

Mr. Vinod Sharma


Prof. (Dr.) Sudesh Kumar Sohani

Vice-Chancellor, RKDF University, Bhopal

Prof. Asha Shukla

Vice Chancellor, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Mhow, M.P

Prof. N. K. Thapak

Vice-Chancellor, LNCT University Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Shri Shailesh Shah

Founder - Sigma Group of Institutions, Gujarat

Sri Atamdeep

State Information Commissioner Madhya Pradesh

Sri Prince Gupta

Journalist DD News