Faculty Development Program
“Firsthand Experience on SPSS” (FDP-SPSS2020)

Subject Expert- Dr. Chanchala Jain
(Master Trainer & Subject Expert)

Start Date- 04/11/2020   End Date- 10/11/2020

Time- 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM

Organized by-:Research Foundation of India & JHERF

Association With- World Virtual Conference Forum

Sponsored by- World Federation of Science and Technology (WFST), International Research Guide Federation (IRGF)

Key Learning’s-
Day 1- 04/11/20: Defining Variable, Importing Data in SPSS

Day 2- 05/11/20: Descriptive Statistics

Day 3- 06/11/20: Reliability and Normality of Data

Day 4- 07/11/20: Independent t-Test vs Mann Whitney U Test

Day 5- 08/11/20: One-way ANOVA Vs Kruskal Wallis Test

Day 6- 09/11/20: Chi Square Test

Day 7- 10/11/20: Correlation and Linear Regression

For Registration Click below link-


Registration Fees=600/-

For More Information contact-
(M) +91-6232075642, 9179268381, 8770234905, 8269478567, 9425010901, 9009443884, 8839339179

Mail- info@researchfoundationofindia.com

URL- www.researchfoundationofindia.com