International Book publication is one of the foremost factors to boost up the research scholars, academician, students and intellectuals to reveal all their studies into everyone’s hand. Conventionally, publication transforms thoughts into the handwritten document, but now thoughts are converted to the digitalized document. Publication means reveal “one to all”.Book publication is sharing their thoughts, views, ideas in any field of their interest. There are academic publishers, professional publishers and some have own idea of interest in self-publishing their script, novel, and storybooks.HERF support their needs in publishing their book to expose globally.

BOOK PROPOSAL FORM                                               BOOK GUIDELINE

 I.     How To Publish

Have you written a master thesis or a bachelor thesis and are considering our publishing services? Are you a professor or academic who is wondering how to publish your scripts, lecture notes, thesis, dissertation or research with an international publishing platform? If yes, then JRF has the right offer for you!

Publishing Your Research

JRF is looking for completed research papers from diverse fields for publication. Keep in mind, publishing with JRF. Moreover, our authors earn an attributable royalty commission. We are interested in monographs, scripts, diploma theses, master theses, dissertations, postdoctoral theses, and lecture notes.

So, you are now wondering how to publish your thesis or dissertation as a book?

Contact us here,

One of our highly dedicated editors will get back to you very soon to discuss a publishing proposal. We look forward to hearing from you!

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