Research Foundation of India Presents Online International Workshop on- “UGC-NAAC Revised accreditation process” (UGC-NAAC Revised-2020)
Subject Expert- Dr. Rupesh Shukla (Specialized Master Trainer)
Date- 5 June 2020
Time- 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
For online Registration fill the form below-👇
Registration Fees- 100/-
Organized by- Research Foundation of India & World Virtual Conference Forum
Sponsored by- World Federation of Science and Technology (WFST- California), International Research Guide Federation (IRGF), JRF & EduAcademic
- UGC-NAAC accreditation process is a benchmark for quality assurance in a higher education institutions.
- Revised framework is completely ICT enabled, so it is necessary to understand the process and complexity involved for qualitative work for HEI.
Key points for the lecture are-👇
- Introduction
- Why NAAC accreditation.
- Revised accreditation process.
- Revised framework with timeline.
- The process- IIQA. SSR, DVV, SSS, Peer team Visit.
- SSR and its criterion (For UG and PG colleges).
- Grading
- Penalties
- Appeal Mechanism
For More Information Contact-
(M) +91-9179268381, +91-9755727008, ÷91-9425010901, +91-9009443884, +91-8839339179