Research Foundation of India Presents- Online International Workshop
New age Parenting (Toddlers)

Date- 10 June 2020
Time- 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Expert- Dr. Ira Bapna
(Master Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Professor and director MRSCPS-Indore)

Registration fees 100/-
Click here to Registration Link


  1.  Create Bonding
  2. Seed 5 ‘H’
  3. Building Confidence
  4. Child Psychology
  5. Traits for Successful life
  6. Keep away from screen exposure

In association with:

Smt. K. G. Mittal College of Arts and Commerce-Mumbai, India


Organized By- Research Foundation of India
Sponsored By- World Federation of Science & Technology, International Research Guide Federation

For More Information Contact-
(M) +91-9179268381, 8770234905, +91-9755727008, 6232075642
÷91-9425010901,+91-9009443884, 98671 80225
